Your Roving Mark Masons Report
North of the Border - Part 2
Rosslyn Chapel
The story continues:-  Early on the morning of the second day in Bonny Scotland we gathered in the dining room for breakfast, lots on the menu porridge with or without salt, eggs, bacon, potato cakes, oat cakes and yes haggis sausage !! I used to like a bit of Haggis and tatties on Burns night but I’m slowly going off it. Today the plan was a visit to the World Famous Rosslyn Chapel, we all climbed aboard the coach, lots of happy chat and wondering just what we would witness after all the publicity the Chapel has recently received. I remember watching a demonstration / play at a Mark Lodge on the Fylde Coast, I can’t remember which Lodge it was (I think it’s my age) it was titled “The Apprentice Pillar” and it was brilliant, now how much of it was fact and how much was fiction I guess we will never know, but if you ever get chance to see it yourself make the effort, don’t miss it.
First view of Rosslyn
Off we set and after about 45 minutes we arrived in a car park alongside a row of small orange coloured cottages, what a truly brilliant site greeted us, Rosslyn Chapel in all its glory, wonderful. As we all trooped off the coach  you could feel the buzz of excitement and anticipation, we made our way towards the modern visitor centre, once inside we paid our ticket which helps towards the upkeep of the chapel and started mooching about, there was lots of information booklets and gifts around and even a selection of Rosslyn Chapel Whisky (you can guess my eyes lit up) a table model was also on display showing the different ages of development which have taken place since it was founded in 1446 by Sir William St Clair, taking initially 40 years to build. Stone carvings can be found everywhere both inside and out and before you enter a pamphlet is given to everyone showing where some of them can be found, they have names such as Devil and Lovers, The Crucifixion, Fallen Angel, Lamb of God and the one mentioned in many articles The Green Man. Being Masons we couldn’t wait to see the Apprentice Pillar which stands alongside the Masons Pillar, I must say I wasn’t dissapointed both are truly works of art. Linda and I made our way down into the crypt as was shown in the Davinci Code, yes it was very interesting, peaceful, quiet and spiritual although unfortunately we certainly couldn’t see any pointers as to where the Holy Grail may be found.
Caretakers Cottages
Visitor Centre
A full day could be spent looking at all the treasures created by the stonemasons and the beautiful leaded windows in brilliant colours, I must mention one occurrence which made us all laugh, a short talk is given to everyone once inside explaining some of the history and points of interest, the guide also asked that all phones are turned off so as not to spoil the visit for others, well now at this point you could have heard a pin drop, we had one mason with us who you could have put money on that if any phone did go off it would be his,(DB) two minutes into the talk and a loud brass band suddenly piped up loud and clear, yes his phone had gone off, now I think that if it was you or me we would have been so embarrassed that we would have grabbed our phone and turned it off immediately, not so in a voice which echoed around the chapel everyone could here Hello, Hello, Hello no I’m in Rosslyn Chapel it’s Brilliant.
Views Outside
Ah well after a few hours all good things must come to an end and it was heading towards departure time, we drifted back inside the visitor centre and made for the café which was located at the far end with a great view over the surrounding countryside, some lovely homemade scones and fresh coffee went down very well before we said our goodbyes to Rosslyn Chapel. I must say that the next time I visit Edinburgh I would definitely make a return visit, a great piece of history in wonderful peaceful grounds which are good for the soul.
Now let the pictures do the talking, I hope you enjoy them.
Views Inside

Linda Lights a Candle
Outside views

Having a Great Time
Great Window
Apprentice Pillar
Cool or What
Shop and Cafe
Visitor Centre
What shall we have
Coffee and Scones
Country outside
Linda and me
Mark Well,
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher. PGStwd.
Flixton Shepherd Eastwood Mark Lodge No.3471
Link to Scotland Part One
Part 3 Visit to Grand Lodge Scotland TO FOLLOW